Some of the Simple Things

My prayer life has never really been that strong, in my opinion. I’ve not really been able to make up my mind on what prayer is, what it ought to be. Most recently it has been primarily casual conversation and thanksgiving, scattered throughout the day, with just a couple of confused requests. I struggle about how to ask for things, how specific to be. The nature of prayer seems such a vague thing, so different for everyone. But of late I have begun settling into a sort of honest, simple conversation. My life has been an incredible journey already, strangely charmed in so many ways, and my needs are always met. In the middle of all of it, there have been two slightly specific requests on my mind. One of them is that I would be able to find life in all things — every day, in every tiny piece of creation, to be able to see and enjoy the goodness and glory around me. The images I’m sharing here are an attempt at sharing some of that simple beauty I’ve been enjoying lately.

I came back from Australia not knowing where I’d be living, or what I’d be doing. And found myself staying with a wonderful friend, and surrounded by a great deal of things worth giving thanks for. One of my greatest pleasures in recent months has been being able to come home, make a cup of coffee or tea, or grab a beer, and sit and enjoy the quiet, or listen to music, or just think. The apartment I share with my friend John has been slowly taking on a new life as we arrange it to our liking. Fortunately we both agree that a home needs to have music. I found a beautiful old Yamaha amplifier and pair of JBL speakers at a local flea market (which is one of my favourite destinations), and we’ve set those up in the living room. Frankly, I can’t see myself ever living in a place without a decent stereo system. We got a television on Craigslist for watching movies as well, but that’s a bit less commonly used.

I bought a chair from Goodwill that has become a favourite spot for me, and some weeks later found a little footstool that matches it nearly perfectly. In this chair I sit and read and listen, drink, edit photos, study the Bible, talk with my mouth and my hands, enjoy good food and great company. It is a very peaceful spot for me.

I’ve recently started drinking a lot more tea as well. A good cup of tea is much easier to brew than a good cup of coffee (though I think I still enjoy the latter more), but I use my little gooseneck kettle for both. I bought several tea sample packs from a place called Savoy here in Northwest Arkansas, and have been enjoying those. After a day of work it’s lovely to simply sit down with a hot beverage and relax.

These are a few of the things I’ve been appreciating greatly in my life, simple and yet so beautiful when truly noticed. As I grow, such things are becoming more common. One of the two requests I’ve been making of God is being granted, day by precious day. (I’m sure I’ll write more about the other another time.) What about you? What joys have you been taking note of lately? What has been making you smile? I’d truly enjoying hearing about it.


— Joel

Geeky Things

  • Camera: Fuji X-Pro2

  • Lens: Fuji 35mm f/2

  • Processor: Capture One 20

  • Location: Springdale, AR

  • Notes: I wanted to keep things simple for these images, so I stuck to just the one lens. ISO was 800, aperture at f/2 for the most part. For colour I’ve been moving back to using Classic Chrome as a base; the overall profile of it is such a good starting point, nicely earthy, though a bit too desaturated for my taste most of the time, so I usually boost the saturation in Capture One by about 20 points. Honestly though, I think I’m doing much less tweaking on photos with Classic Chrome than I do with any of the other colour profiles. Pretty happy with these ones.