John Caleb’s Guitar

This was not a moment in the studio. It wasn’t rehearsed, wasn’t set up or planned out. This was quite simply a normal moment in the life of a normal guy. Brought to mind through my sitting in the adjacent room listening to a podcast and being happily interrupted by the sound of my roommate John’s guitar. I knew the images I wanted to make in that moment, the scene I wanted to capture. Just a guy in his room, messing with his guitar and a temperamental little amplifier. Lit by the sunlight coming in through the window, shot as wide as I could go in order to capture the context of this impromptu jam session. Just a guy in his bedroom with a guitar, having a good time.

Document your life, and the lives of those around you. You don’t need thousands of images to remind you of the times you’ve lived, the experiences you’ve had. Just pick up the camera, make some images, and enjoy the process.


— Joel

Geeky Things

  • Camera: Fuji X-Pro2

  • Lens: Fuji 18-55mm f/2.8-f/4

  • Date: 26th of April, 2020

  • Notes: When I heard John playing I knew I wanted to make these images. The only lenses I have for my camera are Fuji’s 35mm f/2 and 90mm f/2, but John also shoots with Fuji and owns the fantastic 18-55mm. So I grabbed my camera, snagged the lens off John’s dresser, and started shooting. All of these are at 18mm and ISO 1600, mostly at f/4. Processed in Capture One with Fuji’s Provia emulation as a base. The single black and white image came about because I just couldn’t get the colour the way I wanted it in that photo, and while normally for this kind of thing I’d want all of the images to have a consistent look, as if I shot them on a role of film, I’m happy with the way that one turned out anyway. This was all around a really fun moment, and I’m glad I captured it, and experienced it.