Rogers & Jennings

Northwest Arkansas is changing. That’s what I’ve been told anyway, by pretty much everyone who I’ve met who has been in this area more than a decade. If you look at the data on population growth it is quite obvious that NWA isn’t exactly what it used to be. One thing it is, however (maybe even more than it’s ever been before) is a great place to make friends, and meet people with shared interests. More and more am I appreciating social media these days, and learning how to make good use of it as a tool for interaction and connected. It is so easy to see someone online who seems like a fun person, send them a message, and get together for coffee, beer, a movie, chili, kombucha, what have you. (I’ve certainly not met up for kombucha yet, but maybe someday I will.)

One of the people I’ve gotten to know recently is named Brandon Jennings. We connected on Instagram and met up for coffee a few months ago, and he’s since been on my podcast (which I promise I will be releasing again soon), and we’ve been out to take photos just a few weeks ago. And, as I’ve finally got on top of all my editing, and haven’t posted anything to the journal in a while, I thought I should share some of those photos with you, my lovely reader. So here are a handful or two of photos shot in downtown Rogers with my friend Brandon.


— Joel

Geeky Things

  • Camera: Fuji X-Pro2

  • Lens: Fuji 35mm f/2

  • Location: downtown Rogers, AR

  • Notes: Brandon and I wandered out right around three o’clock in the afternoon on a very bright day, and Brandon was kind enough to enlighten me about the Sunny 16 rule, which I gratefully employed during our time walking around. It made for a different sort of shooting style, and a really fun time for me. If you don’t know about Sunny 16, you should Google it — that will work out way better for you than having me explain it.